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AMC is magical

    AMC is magical

    How can I forget my first day in AMC engineering college, that nervousness, exposure to new friends, the new campus, everything was new to me. Our batch had an online inauguration. I felt bad for not being able to visit the campus. But all the lecturers of AMC had done a wonderful video showing us the entire campus, with the help of a drone. Staying at home and seeing the entire view of our campus was an amazing experience. Great thanks to all the lecturers who had put their effort to make us feel that we were on campus. All the lecturers were kind, friendly, and supportive. I especially liked the method of teaching, just listening to class once, I was able to grasp everything. Before I had to put some efforts, now it feels like magic. Now I can understand everything and I am enjoying the topics taught in the class. This is the best thing about our lecturers.

    The environment of the college is calm and peaceful as it has greenery everywhere. It makes me energetic when I am exhausted, and sitting in the campus garden helps me concentrate at my studies better.